(Suggested) Reading for the Counter-Revolution, by Peter Wolfgang

Why Do Americans Fear Their Children? by Phil Lawler
June 11, 2020
True Devotion to Mary Unites Us With Jesus, by Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle
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Jim Crow Era Restricted Bathroom Signs

By Peter Wolfgang, The Stream, June 11, 2020

Peter Wolfgang is president of Family Institute of Connecticut Action, a Hartford-based advocacy organization whose mission is to encourage and strengthen the family as the foundation of society. …

Peter WolfgangI like black history because I like American history. Black History is American history, and conservatives ought not to be defensive about it. Lots of good stuff there that will surprise you, amaze you, make you weep with happiness and shake with rage.

If you don’t know it, you don’t know your own country.

Where to Start

Where to start? Pick up Ralph Abernathy’s And The Walls Came Tumbling Down, which is really the best biography of Martin Luther King, Jr. Technically it’s an autobiography of Ralph Abernathy. But he was King’s right hand man, the one who knew him best, and his immediate successor as head of King’s organization, the SCLC.  …

Read more here:  https://stream.org/reading-for-the-counter-revolution/