Teen’s Dying Wish to End Abortion, Save Lives

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By Bill Bumpas, OneNewsNow,  July 9, 2018

A Texas teenager who is dying from an aggressive form of cancer is hoping to leave a legacy that could lead to the end of abortion.

While fighting for his life against bone cancer, 16-year-old Jeremiah Thomas of Waco is also fighting for the lives of preborn babies. Just like many others in his situation, Thomas was given the opportunity to have a wish of his granted. After praying long and hard, he decided he wanted to talk to the governor about abolishing abortion in The Lone Star State. Word reached Governor Greg Abbott (R), and he called the teenager. According to Jeremiah’s father, Rusty Thomas, the governor amazingly said it would be a priority in the upcoming legislative session.

“At the end, [Abbott] said, ‘Your wish has been granted.’ And my son, he lit up like a Christmas tree,” Thomas accounts. “I mean, he just lights up.”


The senior Thomas, who is also director of the national pro-life organization Operation Save America, tells OneNewsNow it was a significant phone call.

“For the first time, we now have sort of a public leverage that we’ve never had before to hold our civil magistrates accountable to do their duty to end this holocaust,” he comments. “So this is the beginning of something very significant, and we pray, of course, that it will continue to liberate America from blood guiltiness one state at a time.”

Being on the front line of the abortion battle for years, Rusty Thomas says it is amazing to see God work through his dying son.

“It’s like all of our prayers are being answered, except one, and that’s the one that God is using to do all this great work and answer all of our prayers,” he shares.
