The Democrat Collapse Is Coming, by George McClellan

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By George McClellan, America Out Loud, Jan 16, 2023

George G. McClellan, a California native, was a Regular Army veteran and served a post-war Korea tour. His post-army professional career covered 43 years in law enforcement, including the California Highway Patrol and the US Naval Investigative Service (NCIS). …

George McClellanPresident Donald Trump is unquestionably the most effective president the United States has had since Lincoln ended the Civil War. I do not ignore Ronald Reagan’s contribution to greatness because his place in history is assured by being responsible, along with Maggie Thatcher, for ending the Cold War and the Soviet Union. But he didn’t face the unrelenting attempts by his enemies to send him to jail on trumped-up charges of malfeasance or criminality. Trump was, and he’s won every time, winning in the end, the love and affection of conservative Americans.

By 2016, America was almost firmly in the grip of the fellow-traveling morons of Marxism, Democrats, and RINOs but, in an unguarded moment of self-satisfaction, they didn’t see the train coming that was Donald Trump and his galvanizing message to Make America Great Again. In an instant, Trump snatched America away from that awful prospect sending the Marxist Left into deranged bouts of fear and loathing that sticks to this very day. They tremble in fear that Trump’s sensible pro-American conservative policies took root and would be resurrected because of the disastrous policies of a non compos mentis Joe Biden. …