The Facts of Life: God, by F.X. Cronin

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Photo by Serge Le Strat on Unsplash

By F.X. Cronin, Catholic Exchange, August 4, 2020

Mr. Cronin has studied on a graduate level in education at Harvard University and at the University of Connecticut, in leadership at Columbia University and in theology at Regent University and Holy Apostles College and Seminary. ….

F.X. CroninThe existence of God is a bold question of fact.  So too is the general nature of God.  These are matters of basic fact first before they are matters of faith. But, it is a hard sell nowadays to convince anyone that (God’s) existence and nature are matters of fact.

For many in the modern West, God is merely a matter of belief, usually supported with selective  evidence rife with confirmation bias.  It is an unscientific belief driven by personal needs for meaning and moral certainty unmet by a mechanistic, material universe and psychological comfort in the face of the terror of life in an empty, silent, purposeless cosmos of matter and energy alone.   ….

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