The Fallacy of Centrism and the Heresy of Americanism, by Jerome German

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By Jerome German, Crisis Magazine, Nov. 17, 2022

Jerome German is a retired manufacturing engineer, husband, father of eleven, and grandfather of a multitude. His parochial activities have included music ministry, faith formation, and spiritual direction/talks for men’s retreats. He contributes articles to Crisis Magazine and Catholic Stand.

Christianity is the enemy of centrism, which has become the false god of democratic republics everywhere.

Jerome GermanThe debate is about to start. The moderator takes the microphone and begins to prepare the television audience for the event: “On one side of the stage we will soon be joined by Jesus Christ, and on the other, Satan. This will clearly be a divisive debate. It is unfortunate that neither political party has been able to find a more centrist candidate.”

That tongue-in-cheek summation of political reality is an obvious exaggeration, and yet it makes a point in a way that only the consideration of extremes can. …

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