The Heresy of Divorce for Remarriage, by Matthew A. Tsakanikas

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Spiritual Poverty and Eternal Salvation, by David G Bonagura, Jr.
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By Matthew A. Tsakanikas, Crisis Magazine, June 8, 2023

Dr. Matthew A. Tsakanikas is a professor at Christendom College. …

Jesus especially had in mind the conferral of the baptismal priesthood when he removed Moses’ Deuteronomic concession of divorce

Incorporated into the Church by Baptism, the faithful have received the sacramental character that consecrates them for Christian religious worship. The baptismal seal enables and commits Christians to serve God by a vital participation in the holy liturgy of the Church and to exercise their baptismal priesthood by the witness of holy lives and practical charity. (CCC 1273) [emphasis added]


Matthew A. TsakanikasAt the request of Pope Francis, the head of the Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life announced that he was working on a document for the divorced who are living in attempted new marriages. On April 22, Cardinal Farrell promised the text would be for those “having a failed marriage behind them, and living in new unions.”

A marriage “behind them”? No matter how pastoral one intends to be, Our Lord’s doctrine of indissolubility should be a barrier to the very phrase, since Jesus is clear that no spouse of a valid marriage can be left behind [them] for a new one. Clarity and witness to our Lord is needed. …

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