The Lost Symbolism of the Liturgy, by Anthony Esolen

Founder’s Quote
July 6, 2022
Insulting Christ is an Abomination, Madam Speaker!
July 6, 2022

[Photo: Saint Marys Cathedral, Natchez, Mississippi (Unsplash)]

By Anthony Esolen, Crisis Magazine, July 6, 2022

Anthony Esolen, a contributing editor at Crisis, is a professor and writer-in-residence at Magdalen College of the Liberal Arts. He is the author, most recently, of Sex and the Unreal City (Ignatius Press, 2020).

In his recent letter, Desiderio desideraviPope Francis, wishing to see the western Catholic world united in appreciation of the Novus Ordo, begs us to be once more a people capable of perceiving symbols. He seems to sense, though he does not say it outright, that the vehicle of a symbol is not merely and completely arbitrary. That is because the stuff we use for symbols comes from the creative hand of God, and it is imbued with its own power for significance that we can accept or reject, be taught by or remain ignorant of.

“The Liturgy,” he says…

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