Always Be Prepared to Defend Your Faith
June 28, 2017The Southern Poverty Law Center Bears False Witness
June 28, 2017
You want blessing to flow in your life?
It’s easy. Follow the coach’s game plan.
Any good player, worth his weight in salt, knows that the coach needs players who will, precisely, follow his game plan. In other words, players he can trust. It takes a great act of submission to “believe in the coach” and be willing to be told what to do. But, if you do, the coach will put you in the game.
“For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” Matthew 23:12
“God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” 1 Peter 5:5
“God opposes the proud, but he gives grace to the humble.” James 4:6
You belong to a Church instituted by the Second Person of the Holy Trinity who gave our first pope, Peter, the keys, and told him the gates of Hell will not prevail. This is our “team” and our coach is Christ. His game plan has been established over these 2000 years.
You prove your reliability; your trustworthiness; your devotion to the game plan of the coach, and he will put you in the game. But, if you believe your game plan is superior to that of the coach, then he has no choice but to bench you … “God opposes the proud, but he gives grace to the humble.” So, yeah, you need to adhere to “everything” the Church teaches … that’s just basic.
And, it’s not enough to just show up for practices and go through the motions of what the coach expects. We must strive to “do our best.” This is a “higher (or deeper) humility” that gets the coach’s attention. This shows the coach that you are not just looking to be on the team, but you are striving to be one of his star players.
The coach is looking for players who have their heart in the game; players who truly CARE.
C – Confession: Is being in God’s power everything for you? Being in a “State of Grace”? This is humble submission to God’s supernatural power, believing we are lost and vulnerable without it.
A – Adoration: Do you “need” to be near to Him whenever you can? Are these quiet special moments before the Blessed Sacrament a Divine Intimacy that you long for?
R – Regina (or Rosary): Do you love the person who was chosen to be the Mother of God? Do you love who God loves so much? Have you humbly accepted her role as Mediatrix of all graces? Do you pray the Rosary everyday?
E – Eucharist: Is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass the source and summit of your life? Do you offer due reverence by how you dress and how you receive our Lord in the Most Holy Eucharist? Do you seek to attend Mass beyond days of obligation?
Finally, are you joining forces with all those given to us for blessing and protection? Do you “care” enough to gain a Plenary Indulgence everyday for a Poor Soul in Purgatory? Thus, “activating” a relationship with them? The Holy Souls, along with Saints, are there for us. But, we cannot, in a childish way, presume they are there, without, first, extending ourselves in “care” for them. Discover this “Holy Alliance Devotion” HERE.
Care about your state of grace, care about Divine Intimacy in Adoration, care about the Mother of God, care about the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, care about the saints and holy souls … and WATCH what happens!!
You will see so much blessing that you will say, “It’s too much blessing … please God, I can’t take all of this blessing!!” 😉 Okay … I’m sorta kidding there, but, yeah, you are not going to believe how bountiful will be the blessings you receive. WATCH!