They Didn’t Succeed in Silencing Us. Now We Must be Louder Than Ever, by John-Henry Westen 

Msgr. Charles Pope: Our Strengths Are Often Our Struggles
September 13, 2019
Why Should We Bother? by David Warren
September 13, 2019

By John-Henry Westen, LifeSiteNews, September 12, 2019

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John-Henry WestenYesterday the California Attorney General asked for a gag order to restrict pro-life reporting on the David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt hearings, citing LifeSiteNews in particular in the legal documents. Since we have been the ONLY pro-life news source reporting from the courtroom, this was set to be a direct restriction against us.

Thankfully, the judge denied the gag order yesterday afternoon, and we can continue to report on these hearings and spread the word to our millions of readers about the illegal activity of Planned Parenthood and StemExpress selling baby body parts.

Since we still have the freedom to report on the hearing, I’d like to ask you to help our voice be even louder.

Today is the launch of our Fall Fundraising Campaign, and I hope you will join the community of supporters who enable our mission to restore the culture through news media every day – the very news that you rely on to be informed on life, faith, family, and culture!

To keep our pro-life and pro-family mission alive, we need your help to reach the minimum goal of $250,000 by September 27th. (Click here to donate!) ….