This Holy Saturday, Remember The Disciples, Whose Fear And Weakness Is Our Own, by Christopher Bedford

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Pope Benedict XVI: The Icon of Holy Saturday (2010)
April 3, 2021

The fear and weakness of Christ’s disciples aren’t foreign at all — they are you and me. And with the Holy Spirit, they built Christ’s church.

By Christopher Bedford, The Federalist, April 3, 2021

Christopher Bedford is a senior editor at The Federalist, the vice chairman of Young Americans for Freedom, a board member at the National Journalism Center, and the author of The Art of the Donald. Follow him on Twitter.


Christopher BedfordWe revere the saints of the Gospels. Matthew and Mark, Luke and John, Peter, Philip and Simon, James, Andrew, Bartholomew, and Thaddaeus.

Their courage in spreading the Word from Ukraine to Egypt and from India to Spain, and their bravery when put to death, serve as examples most of us can only hope to approach. But it comes more naturally to follow their path on Holy Saturday when Jesus lay in the tomb and his handpicked followers cowered in fear. In these times, we might prefer to look at them as if apart from us — it’s easy, as we prepare for the vigil or for Easter morning. But in truth, these are the very days when we are most like the Twelve.

On his final journey to the cross, the Apostles failed and faltered repeatedly. They’d lived in the shadow of Christ, holding his hand, hearing his words, seeing his miracles, and yet they did not understand. Worse yet, they were afraid. Along with Judas Iscariot, they were among the first to follow the Lord — and the first to leave him: Judas, to betray and suffer damnation, but the others to fall asleep, to cower, to deny, and to hide. And from the beginning, it was so. …

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