By John Zmirak, The Stream, Feb. 6, 2023
John Zmirak is a senior editor at The Stream and author or co-author of ten books, including The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Catholicism. He is co-author with Jason Jones of “God, Guns, & the Government.”
I’m feeling … lonely. With the deaths of Pope Benedict XVI and courageous Catholic journalist George Neumayr, and the retirement of Patrick J. Buchanan from writing his column, I feel as if the tiny band of brothers I joined long ago just got shattered by a grenade. The number of public Catholics with clear sight, courage, and spiritedness seems to be dwindling rapidly.
I already expressed here my disappointment with the tactic Pope Benedict chose for dealing with Church corruption and mass apostasy — retirement and retreat. I did feel abandoned when he left the papacy, without doing what was within his power (firing bad cardinals, appointing good ones) to make sure that his successor would in fact be a Theist, much less a Christian, much less a Catholic. I needed to vent about that. …