(LifeSiteNews) — On this week’s episode of The Bishop Strickland Show, Bishop Joseph Strickland argues that abortion should be framed as a “human” issue and not just a “Catholic” issue, and discusses abortion law in the context of an encyclical by Pope Pius XI dealing with Christian marriage.
Referring to a tweet that he posted in response to Students for Life president Kristen Hawkins on how the Republican Party platform and the “pro-life generation” demand a total end to abortion, His Excellency said, “If we understand what abortion is, the taking of a human life, then we can’t say, ‘Well, you can take a few,’ or ‘If they’re young enough, yeah, you can kill them.’ I mean, that makes no sense. And I understand that … we have to take … the best laws we can get. We can’t just settle and say, ‘Oh, yeah, well, we can’t give up the ground.’ I mean, it really is a battle, and we’ve got to battle for every child in every life.” …