US Bishop: ‘We Need a Marian Blue Wave; Pray the Rosary’, (Video) by Doug Mainwaring

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Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas

By Doug Mainwaring, LifeSiteNews, Oct. 21, 2019

Doug MainwaringTYLER, Texas, October 21, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — In a short video published just before the 102nd anniversary of Our Lady’s final apparition at Fatima on Oct. 13, 1917, a U.S. bishop issued a call to participate in what is being referred to as the “Marian blue wave,” which he described as “a refocus on the beautiful gift of the Rosary, and the call to prayer that the Blessed Virgin Mary has given us so many times.”

“The Rosary is a rather simple prayer,” said Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, “repeating a basic message of devotion to our Lord Jesus Christ, seeking the will of the Father, and asking Mary to intercede for us, the people of God.”

“With this Marian blue wave, we certainly pray for the sanctity of life, from conception to natural death,” said Bishop Strickland. “And we pray for healing in the world and the Church at this time.”

“So many times throughout history, the Blessed Virgin Mary has beckoned to her children to pray,” he noted. “And so often, she says specifically, ‘Pray the Rosary.’” ….