Vatican on Pandemic: ‘God Is Dead’, by Jules Gomes

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By Jules Gomes, Church Militant, July 23, 2020

God, Christ or Church not mentioned once in 4,000-word meditation

VATICAN CITY ( – A new 4,000-word Vatican document on the Wuhan virus pandemic is being slammed for not mentioning God, Jesus Christ, Church, gospel, Bible or sacraments even once.    

Totally devoid of any explicitly Catholic teaching, the Pontifical Academy for Life‘s coronavirus brief, published Wednesday, is titled: “Humana Communitas in the Age of Pandemic: Untimely Meditations on Life’s Rebirth

Laying the blame for the Wuhan virus pandemic on “our depredation of the earth and the despoiling of its intrinsic value” the Vatican document asks “what conversion of thought and action are we prepared to undergo in our common responsibility for the human family?”  ….

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