Vatican Orders All Departments to Close All External Accounts, by Marco Tosatti

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By Marco Tosatti, Church Militant, July 8, 2020

Leaked internal letter shows Vatican finances in full crisis

Dear friends and enemies of Stilum Curiae, we have received a letter which the prefect of the Secretariat of the Economy and Finance, Juan A. Guerrero, S.J., sent to the heads of all Vatican departments, essentially to ask that they close all current “external” accounts of the various dicasteries and offices and transfer the money preserved in these accounts to APSA, the Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy See, which is managed by the former secretary of the Italian bishops’ conference, Bp. Nunzio Galantino, and by Bp. Gustavo Zanchetta. Zanchetta is the bishop protected by Pope Bergoglio who is under investigation in Argentina for alleged sexual abuse of seminarians and criticized for his financial management of the diocese of Oran, from which he suddenly fled, only to reappear at Santa Marta.

Here is the letter:


To the Dicastery Heads

To the Heads of Entities and Organs of the Holy See

To the President of the Governorate of the Vatican City State

From the Vatican, 8 May 2020

Most Reverend Eminence,

Most Reverend Excellency,

Most Reverend Monsignor,

Egregious Doctor,

I write this following the inter-dicasterial meeting of 4 May presided over by the Holy Father, which addressed the economic and financial implications for the Holy See and Vatican City State deriving from the COVID-19 emergency.

Following the process of consultation of the working group composed of the superiors of Secretariat of State, the Council for the Economy, the Secretariat for the Economy, the Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy See, the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples and the Governorate of the Vatican City State, in the context of the aforementioned meeting, further economic measures were discussed in order to strengthen the overall financial position at this particularly negative economic juncture…..


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