Vax Mandates Medically Futile, Likely Illegal, Part III, Dr. Alan Moy

Fr. Jerry Pokorsky: Sacramental Hunger
August 2, 2021
Incompetence + Arrogance = Woke, by Victor Davis Hanson
August 2, 2021


Strategies for students, parents and employees to combat mandates

It is apparent that colleges and hospitals are poorly informed about not just the scientific facts pertaining to COVID vaccines, but also about the legal liabilities that they may incur by imposing vaccine mandates. These institutions are not aware that the FDA Cosmetic Act requires informed consent for the reception of any experimental medicine or that it gives people the right to refuse treatment and be made aware of alternative medicines.

Colleges and health care institutions are also ignoring the health privacy laws governing the Health Insurance Portability and Accounting Act (HIPAA). These institutions seem to be completely oblivious to the fact that the National Research Act of 1974 protects people from harm and coercion and necessitates complete informed consent for experimental treatments. …

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