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February 24, 2020
By Jules Gomes, Church Militant, February 23, 2020
“Watching porn is probably not a serious sin,” says cathedral priest
VIENNA ( – An Austrian artist notorious for “pushing the boundaries of sculpture” is having his exhibit of an 80-square-meter purple sweater hung over the baroque high altar for Lent at St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna.
Erwin Wurm’s sweater is meant to replicate the purple veil (Fastentuch or fasting cloth) used to cover images of Jesus, especially the crucifix, in Catholic and some Protestant churches during the 40 days of Lent.
The sweater, weighing a total of 300 kilos and made in Thailand, is designed to convey the message of a “warming and protective second skin” supposedly alerting worshippers to “the priority of warming love of neighbor,” the cathedral’s website explains.
Fr. Anton Faber with Erwin Wurm in Vienna Cathedral
The 66-year-old artist, who specializes in sculpting distorted forms of the human body and other objects, says that his work evokes the absurdity found in mundane actions of everyday life.
The sculptures are said to be “an indication of the deformities of our lives,” says cathedral pastor Canon Anton Faber.
St. Stephen’s Cathedral, presided over by liberal Cdl. Christoph Schönborn, is also exhibiting Wurm’s other creations including a hot-water bottle, boxing glove, deformed houses, headless and limbless torso, and bags on legs. ….