Pope Francis is ‘using his platform to embolden sinners and to shame the saints into silence and conformity with the world,’ said Fr. Jason Charron.
By Louis Knuffke, LifeSiteNews, Feb 10, 2023
(LifeSiteNews) — A Catholic priest has rebuked Pope Francis for his calls to decriminalize sodomy during his recent visit to African countries South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The priest called the Pope to repent of his promotion of homosexuality, addressing the Pontiff in a video and asking, “Do you belong to Christ, or do you belong to Sodom?”
Fr. Jason Charron posted to YouTube a video in which he took the Pope to task for making homosexuality more central to his ministry than the defense of persecuted Christians and the preaching of the Gospel, including the call to repent of sin.
“Pope Francis againhas called for the decriminalizingof homosexual acts among other thingson his return flight from the Africanvisit home to the Vatican,” Charron said. “A lot of the Holy father’spublic comments, you know, revolve around this issue ofhomosexuality as though that werethe centerpiece of his ministry. Youdon’t hear a whole lot of comments fromhimcalling for the defense of thepersecuted Christians in … places like China, or the situation of the Christians inplaces like … Saudi Arabia, or the situation faced by Christianfamilies in the formerly Catholiccountries of Europe and North America, places where hisfaithful flock facepersecution for believing in theofficial teachingof the Church that he leads.” …