What’s the Mission of the Post-Pandemic Parish? by Joseph B. Quinn

The Road to Corruption Is Paved With Gifts, by Michele McAloon
July 15, 2021
Poll: Americans Want More Police as Crime Skyrockets, by Michael F. Haverluck
July 15, 2021

Photo by Adrien Olichon from Pexels

By Joseph B. Quinn, Catholic Exchange, July 14, 2021

Joseph B. Quinn has helped clients be better communicators, leaders, strategists, and thinkers in a variety of businesses and settings. …

It has been almost a year-and-a-half since many American Catholics have regularly attended Sunday Mass. Some have yearned for churches to re-open; while others haven’t really missed Mass at all; and a select group realize: “Gee, I haven’t been to Church and haven’t burst into flames yet!” As churches re-open around the country, bishops, pastors, parish leaders, and parishioners wait anxiously to see how soon and how many people return for Mass. If you are in a Catholic leadership role and think we are going back to a pre-pandemic-normal, you’re likely in for a huge surprise. If you are in this camp, please resume printing the same old number of Sunday bulletins and read no further. If post-COVID Mass attendance leaves you with doubts, discomfort, and unanswered questions, then take heart and lean into the unknown ahead for your parish. This is an ideal time to pivot and do some things differently. But what could that look like? ….

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