When a Young Woman Leaves the Convent, by Christina M. Sorrentino 

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Women, especially young women, who have left the convent require a special kind of pastoral care, which is very different from working with married couples or families.

By Christina M. Sorrentino, Crisis Magazine, March 27, 2023

Christina M. Sorrentino resides in Staten Island, New York and is a freelance writer, theology teacher, and author of the books Belonging to Christ and Called to Love – A Listening Heart. …


Christina M. Sorrentino

Several years ago, when I left the convent, I began speaking with other young women who had also either discerned out of the convent or been asked to leave due to various reasons. I quickly realized that although I felt as if I had a unique experience, I was far from being the only one.

This became even more apparent when I began to join groups on social media for young women who had left the convent and when I read testimonies on Leonie’s Longinga blog for former religious.

Women, especially young women, who have left the convent require a special kind of pastoral care, which is very different from working with married couples or families. A…

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