When Will Courts Stop Protecting the Abortion Industry?

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By Fr. Frank Pavone, CNSNews, June 29, 2017

Fr. Frank PavoneToday a federal court ruled to temporarily enjoin the enforcement of new Indiana laws regarding abortions performed on minors.

The opinion of the judge in enjoining Indiana’s law protecting parents’ rights is beyond ironic.  Addressing the possibility that an abortion-seeking minor might be abused by a parent if the parent knows of the girl’s intention, the federal judge wrote, “The Court need not sit idly by while those most vulnerable among us are subjected to unspeakable and horrid acts of violence and perversion.”  Well good for the court. But “unspeakable and horrid acts of violence and perversion” are exactly what this decision – and abortion itself – enables.

The Indiana law, which was to take effect July 1, was designed to protect parents’ rights and provide safeguards for girls who are being pressured into abortions by the adult males who impregnate them.  The measure would amend the state’s parental consent for abortion requirements by having the person signing the consent form provide verifiable proof of identity.  In the case of a girl seeking a judicial waiver from the parental consent law, the new statute would allow a judge to have the minor’s parent notified about the abortion if the judge thinks such notification would be in the girl’s best interests.

The Indiana law also established penalties for anyone who helps a minor cross state lines so as to avoid the parental consent for abortion provisions.

Human trafficking is a deadly serious problem, especially regarding young girls trapped into this nightmarish form of slavery.  Here, Indiana seeks to address this problem and, instead, a judge listens to Planned Parenthood’s self-serving claims.  One has to wonder when courts will stop protecting the abortion industry and start protecting vulnerable girls, their parents, and their babies.

Father Frank Pavone is the national director of Priests for Life.

(Wikimedia Commons Photo)
