White Martyrs, Take Heart, by Lynn and Matt Bifulco (2012)

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Photo by Hugo Fergusson on Unsplash

By Lynn and Matt Bifulco, Catholic Exchange, February 1, 2012

The word “martyr” means “witness.” The first centuries of the Church were spattered red with the blood of the heroic martyrs, but when peace came to the Church there was still a need for heroic witness. Very soon the concept of “white martyrdom” developed: a martyrdom without blood, but still facing off against violent hatred of the faith. This white martyrdom consisted in a total offering to God, dying to self, the world, and its allurements. 

I read a story about young Catholics in China who belonged to the Legion of Mary. They were forbidden by their government to practice the faith. But that didn’t stop them. They eventually were arrested and their rosaries confiscated. While in jail they continued to pray using their fingers to count the decades. The government swiftly chopped off their fingers.  …

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