Who’s Running the Show at 1600? by Douglas Andrews

Announcing the Pope’s Surgery: Another Vatican PR Blunder, by Phil Lawler 
July 8, 2021
Pro-Life Republicans Are ‘Heroes’, by Charlie Butts
July 8, 2021

By Douglas Andrews, Patriot Post, July 7, 2021

It isn’t Joe Biden, according to a new poll of the American people.

Last month, we wondered — not for the first time — about President Joe Biden’s mental state. We wondered whether he was really up to the job he’d been pushed into by a Democrat Party desperate to get rid of Donald Trump.

We’re still wondering. And so, clearly, are a lot of other Americans, if a new poll by the Trafalgar Group is any indication. The poll asked one simple question of 1,086 likely voters: Do you believe President Biden is fully executing the duties of his office? The results make clear that certain things can’t be hidden forever by a complicit mainstream media, as 56.5% of likely voters don’t believe Biden is fully in charge, 36.4% believe he is, and 7.1% aren’t sure. ….

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