Daily Reading & Meditation: Monday (December 17)
December 17, 2018Church of England Now Offers Baptism-Style Ceremony for Transgenders, by Michael W. Chapman
December 17, 2018
By John Horvat II, Crisis Magazine, December 17, 2018
So much that passes for culture is just entertainment. What people consider “culture” is an excuse to have fun. Everything must be full of novelty and excitement. It must be Facebookable and Instagram-friendly. While these fun activities may be popular, they do not constitute culture. They have no depth.
For many, even Christmas need not be meaningful anymore. There are those who think it is an occasion for fun. So much of the commercialization of the Christmas season implicitly has this underlying theme of turning the feast into a big party. As a result, Christmas is no longer what it once was.
Sometimes extreme examples show just how far things have gone. They can illustrate the tragedy of turning Christmas into fun. One such example is called the National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day. Like all things ridiculous, this practice indicates something is wrong with society. It is a symptom of something much more troubling….Read more at: