Why No Science? by Randall Smith

Where Are the Real Domestic Terrorists? by Julie Kelly
November 2, 2021
‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Really Takes Off, by Nate Jackson
November 2, 2021

*Image: Saint Peter and Simon Magus by Benozzo Gozzoli, after 1460 [The MET, New York]. Simon was a magician who converted to Christianity (see Acts 8:9-24) but sought to buy Apostolic power from Peter. Gozzoli shows an apocryphal scene in which Simon, levitating before Emperor Nero, has fallen to the earth upon Peter’s command.

By Randall Smith, The Catholic Thing, Nov. 2, 2021

Randall B. Smith is a Professor of Theology at the University of St. Thomas. He is the author of Reading the Sermons of Thomas Aquinas: A Guidebook for Beginners and Aquinas, Bonaventure, and the Scholastic Culture of Medieval Paris: Preaching, Prologues, 


Randall SmithSomeone asked recently why the “civilization” portrayed in the popular video series Game of Thrones, which supposedly existed for thousands of years, developed very little science and technology.

The obvious answer is that it is fiction, and the author, George R. R. Martin, has the freedom as a writer of “fantasy” novels to create whatever world he wants.  But there have been many civilizations in the world that have gone on for a thousand years without developing advanced science or technology.  So we might still wonder, Why not? …

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