Why Promoters of Great Reset Are Pushing Ultra-Processed Foods, by Dr. Joseph Mercola

The White Supremacist History of Margaret Sanger, Marie Stopes and the Abortion Movement, by Liam Gibson 
September 20, 2022
Daily Scripture Reading and Meditation: Hear the Word of God and Do It
September 20, 2022

According to promoters of The Great Reset, a traditional whole food diet is not only “unsustainable” but “environmentally destructive” and must be replaced with GMOs and protein alternatives made from insects, plants and synthetic biology.

Dr. Joseph Mercola's avatarAccording to the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its allied Great Reset minions, a traditional whole food diet is not only “unsustainable” but “environmentally destructive.”

A recent “food analysis” in The Guardian took aim specifically at organic pasture-fed beef and lamb, lambasting such farming practices for their extravagant land use while underperforming in terms of yield.

The analysis stated:

“Arable crops, some of which are fed to farm animals, occupy 12% of the planet’s land surface. But far more land (about 26%) is used for grazing: in other words, for pasture-fed meat and milk. Yet across this vast area, farm animals that are entirely pasture-fed produce just 1% of the world’s protein.” …

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