Why We Celebrate the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, by Mark Miravalle

Daily Scripture Readings and Meditation: Let the Children Come to Me
August 14, 2021
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Title:The Immaculate Conception, oil on canvas painting by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, c. 1670-80, Dayton Art Institute

By Mark Miravalle, Catholic Exchange, Aug. 13, 2021

Mark Miravalle, S.T.D., is a professor of theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville, president of the international Marian movement Vox Populi Mariae Mediatrici, and author of numerous books about Mary.

The dogma of the Assumption declares that at the conclusion of her earthly life, Mary’s body was preserved from all physical cor­ruption and assumed, along with her soul, into heaven. The doc­trine of the Assumption was made a dogma in 1950 through an ex cathedra statement by Pope Pius XII, but the teaching itself, as with all dogmas, goes back to the Bible and the traditions of the early Church.

The first hint of Mary’s Assumption comes once more from Genesis 3:15. There we see the mother of the redeemer, sharing in her son’s victory over evil: “I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed. . .” What does that have to do with the Assumption, you ask? ….

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