Words for a Concerned Former Student, by David Carlin

Twitter Exposes A Nation Under DOD’s Brainwashing, by Greg Boulden
December 22, 2022
In Pavone Case, the Vatican’s Silence is Damaging, by Phil Lawler
December 22, 2022

*Image: A Virgin and a Unicorn (representing chastity) by, perhaps, the circle of Dosso Dossi (Ferrara) and follower of Timoteo Viti of Urbino, ca. 1469-1523 [Wellcome Collection, London, England]. Much of the surface (e.g. the green grass) dates from ca. 1970.

By David Carlin, The Catholic Thing, Dec. 22. 2022

David Carlin is a retired professor of sociology and philosophy at the Community College of Rhode Island, and the author of The Decline and Fall of the Catholic Church in America and, most recently, Three Sexual Revolutions: Catholic, Protestant, Atheist.

I recently wrote a TCT column in which I argued that our never-ending sexual revolution is only secondarily about sex, and that it is primarily an attempt to destroy Christianity. I say that I “argued” this point.  But I didn’t really.  I simply asserted it.  Why argue to prove a point that should be obvious by now to anybody who has been paying attention?

In any case, I received a criticism from a woman whose comments, whether critical or complimentary, I feel I am duty-bound to take seriously – for this woman was, many years ago, a student of mine when I was teaching sociology at our local community college. …

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