World Economic Forum Article Calls for Artificial Intelligence to Monitor ‘Disinformation, Hate Speech’, by Didi Rankovic

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The World Economic Forum called for censorship against what it calls the ‘dark world of online harms’ in a recent article.

By Didi Rankovic, LifeSiteNews, Aug 13, 2022

If you’re tired of censorship, cancel culture, and the erosion of civil liberties subscribe to Reclaim The Net.

“Readers: Please be aware that this article has been shared on websites that routinely misrepresent content and spread misinformation. We ask you to note the following: 1) The content of this article is the opinion of the author, not the World Economic Forum. 2) Please read the piece for yourself. The Forum is committed to publishing a wide array of voices and misrepresenting content only diminishes open conversations.”


(Reclaim the Net) – The World Economic Forum (WEF) continues to beat the drum of the need to somehow merge “AI” [artificial intelligence] and humans, as a supposed panacea to pretty much any ill plaguing society and economy.

It’s never a sure bet if this Davos-based elite’s mouthpiece comes up with its outlandish “solutions” and “proposals” as a way to reinforce existing, or introduce new narratives; or just to appear busy and earn its keep from those bankrolling it.

Nevertheless, here we are, with the WEF turning its attention toward what’s apparently the burning issue in everybody’s life right now. …

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