Minno: A New Digital Media Resource for Parents Who Will Raise the Next Generation of Christians, by Nancy Flory

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The Minno digital platform is packed with faith-based kids’ shows. “It’s sort of like Netflix for Christian kids.”

By Nancy Flory, The Stream, December 4, 2019

If you have a child between the ages of 2 and 12 you’ll want to listen up. Minno, a faith-based digital platform, a children’s book publisher and a site with advice for parents just rolled out last week. Minno’s CEO, Erick Goss, described the digital platform as a “Netflix for Christian kids,” in an interview with The Stream.

Minno’s name comes from John 15:4-5: “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.” The word “abide” is Meno in the Greek. Minno comes from that. “That’s what we really hope for and long for for families,” said Erick, “that they’ll learn to experience Christ in their day-to-day lives.” It’s something Erick wants to be reminded of. “Life is not about sort of productivity and outcomes, but it’s really about what does it mean to abide and experience Jesus and to participate in what He’s doing versus what we want to do.”

Digital Platform

Minno has a large catalog of faith-based videos for children, including all the classic Veggie Tales shows. “We find that a lot of our subscribers are excited about that because many of them grew up on Veggie Tales and now have the ability to share it with their kids,” said Erick. ….


Read more here https://stream.org/minno-media-resource-parents/