Founder’s Quote

Pope Francis’ American Cardinals Are Pro-LGBT Revolutionaries With a Radical Agenda for the Church, by Raymond Wolfe
October 22, 2022
Daily Scripture Reading and Meditation: Freedom from Bondage for Eighteen Years
October 24, 2022

freedom of the press

Patriot Post – “We are, heart and soul, friends to the freedom of the press. It is however, the prostituted companion of liberty, and somehow or other, we know not how, its efficient auxiliary. It follows the substance like its shade; but while a man walks erect, he may observe that his shadow is almost always in the dirt. It corrupts, it deceives, it inflames. It strips virtue of her honors, and lends to faction its wildfire and its poisoned arms, and in the end is its own enemy and the usurper’s ally.” —Fisher Ames (1807)