
  • Girls today’s are in desperate need of authentic and inspiring stories that encourage them to strive to be their best and boldest selves.TWEET THIS
  • There are plenty of classic films that lend themselves to important discussions about women in the world.TWEET THIS
  • Older cinematic greats are wonderful choices for families seeking to make entertainment more than just passive, woke-tinged consumption.TWEET THIS

Recently, my daughter and I began watching Gone with the Wind. This was the latest film choice in a trend in my family towards classics that I documented in a piece here. I argued that the older cinematic greats are wonderful choices for families seeking to make entertainment more than just passive, woke-tinged consumption.

I can’t remember the last article I wrote that led to more unsolicited positive feedback; many wrote to me with their own additions to my short list of suggestions. Movies like Singing in the RainThe Music Man, and Swiss Family Robinson were notable standouts. However, my list was admittedly male-dominant, and I recently found myself craving a little Scarlett O’Hara spice. So, one rainy afternoon while home alone with my daughter and nothing pressing on my time, we turned it on. …

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