I think there are some Catholics who approach evangelization the same way – as something to check off the list, in order to ” be a good Catholic“. It isn’t something they really intentionally try to grow into, get better at, or eventually get skillful at doing. This is a shame. We are made to evangelize, in fact, this is the core mission of all Christians! So, we ought to be aiming at getting better at it!
If you want to be a better evangelist, I hope the following suggestions are helpful to you. I have learned, through years of trial (and lots of error) what not to do.
5 Ways To Be A Better Evangelist
- Stop inviting non-Catholics to Mass. At first glance, this might sound counterintuitive, but let me explain. The Mass is not intended to be a tool for evangelization. It is meant for the Church to come together and worship God and be strengthened to go back into the world, where we evangelize others. So, it isn’t meant to evangelize others. Furthermore, many people will feel out of place in Mass and some may even be offended, because we do not invite everyone to take Communion. Finally, we can’t have good conversations in Mass and trying to explain what is happening (and talking thoughout Mass), isn’t appropriate. Therefore, instead of inviting someone to Mass, invite them to coffee or lunch. Invite them to join your friends at a dinner party. Invite them to go fishing. Whatever the event, find a time and place where you can talk to each other, in an informal setting, as a friend or someone interested in getting to know them. Which leads to the next point.
- Stop treating others as evangelization projects and more as people you love. Remember that feeling we talked about at the beginning, of being treated like a project? Well, don’t do it to others either. Your job isn’t to fix others or to get them to convert to your way of thinking. Your job is to love other people. When you enter into a relationship with another person, that should be your ultimate goal. While you want what is best for them, you shouldn’t be pushy, argumentative, aggresive, or annoying. Rather, be personable, affable, interested in them, and genuine. Your evangelization should always flow out of a real relationship. Real relationship means we have the other person’s best interest at heart. This means being merciful and accepting folks (loving them) right were they are. If they choose to allow you to help them get someone better, it will be due to trusting you, not because you treated them as a project. St. Paul says it best when he says, “being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to us.” -1 Thes 2:8
- Know the proper time and place for using apologetics. Apologetics (the reasonable defense of your faith) is a good tool to have at your disposal. That doesn’t mean it is appropriate for every situation. In fact, it can be detrimental at certain times. How many times have you been annoyed or defensive with someone because they dumped a big argument on your lap about something you disagreed with? When it comes to faith issues, that merely adds fuel to the fire. So, we have to know when to offer a good argument for why we believe something. In fact, it is best used when someone has a sincere question and they come to you, because they trust that you won’t judge them for asking it, try to convince them you are correct, or be argumentative about it. I have gotten to the point where I merely answer the question, to the best of my ability, and then let God do the big job, that is, moving their heart (if he chooses to do so and they say “yes”). I can’t convince anyone by merely dropping knowledge on them, but I can pray for them, do my best, follow-up with them, and be ok with their free will to choose.
- Ask more questions of others than they do of you. If you know the content of your faith well, then you might just gain a reputation, which means folks seek you out to ask you questions. Whenever this happens of me, I try to make sure to ask the other person more questions than they ask of me, so they can think through the issue themselves. When someone comes to a conclusion, based on thinking through an issue, they are more likely to truly believe it to be true. Rather than just receiving information, they have discovered a truth and that means much more. Furthermore, everyone likes a good listener and someone who is genuinely interested in hearing what they have to say. So, be that person. FInally, if someone then asks for your opinion, they are more open to receiving what you have to say because they know you have been open and sincere with them.
- Realize that understanding someone else’s viewpoint does not necessarily mean you agree with it. This is a tough one for many people. I realized I struggled with it when I was dating a young woman who was pro-choice. We had gotten pretty serious and had started to talk about some tough issues. She was a Christian and I assumed she was pro-life. When I found out she wasn’t, I got upset and flew off the handle. After I calmed down (a few days later), we had a good discussion about the issue. I realized that I didn’t know her as well as I thought. I also realized she hadn’t really thought through being pro-choice or pro-life, but had fallen into a “default” position of our culture. Once I understood where she was coming from, I asked her many questions. These questions got her thinking. She had a conversion and is now very pro-life…and my wife. To understand why she believed what she did wasn’t a compromise to my own beliefs, but allowed me to enter into her experience and walk with her. I didn’t agree with her, but loved her. This allowed me to be a channel of God’s grace, which ultimately changed her heart.
None of us will ever be a perfect evangelist, but all of us can get better. Evangelization doesn’t have to be awkward or scary. It can mean being a better friend and Christian. It can be natural.
If you have further tips, please feel free to comment on our Facebook page with them.
“And as he sat at table in the house, behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and sat down with Jesus and his disciples. And when the Pharisees saw this, they said to his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” But when he heard it, he said, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. Go and learn what this means, ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.’ For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.”” -Matt 9: 10-13