The American Tsunami: Where Do We Go From Here?

Phil Lawler: A Meeting of the World’s Bishops to Talk About Abuse? Please, Not More Talk. Action!
September 14, 2018
Founder’s Quote
September 15, 2018

By Beverly Stevens, Regina Magazine, September 10, 2018

Busy week we’ve had here in America. As of Friday, six US states have opened investigations into dioceses, including heavy hitters Illinois, New York and New Jersey. 

The USCCB’s response has been to express the need for more refinements of their procedures, which call has been met with widespread disdain from an enraged laity.

Legatus, a US organization of high net worth Catholic laity also announced they are withholding their usual Vatican tithe — variously estimated at up to a million dollars — pending further investigations into the burgeoning sex abuse crisis.

A dozen bishops have called for investigations into former US nuncio Vigano’s charges that the Pope knew about and allowed sex abusing Cardinal Mc Carrick free reign….continued reading…..