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May 9, 2019
By Robert V. Thomann, Crisis Magazine, May 9, 2019
I have been rather astounded and amused at the controversy, indeed outright denial, surrounding Pope Emeritus Benedict’s recent essay which attributes a large portion of our current crisis in the Church to the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s. I react in this way simply because the evidence for the identification of the source of our “ill health” has been known for quite some time. It is a collection of empirically powerful and indisputable evidence that somehow has either been recognized and denied or has just been rather conveniently ignored at all ecclesial levels. In order to more clearly identify the multiple dimensions of the unhealthiness of our situation, let me draw a comparison to the situation of toxicity in our natural environment.
A substance is considered toxic when it is present over a period of time and in a place in the environment at a level that exceeds some pre-determined standard for protection. Consider, for example, the aquatic environment: if a chemical is in water or in fish at a higher level than the standard established to reduce the possibility of disease, the chemical is said to be at a toxic level. Immediately questions arise: how did the chemical get to this level in the water or fish? What is the source of the chemical? Where did the health standard come from? What is the source of the standard? How defensible is the standard?
So, let’s extend this to what makes something, anything, toxic? What makes an idea, a written or spoken word, a way of life, a culture, toxic? What leads to an intoxication? Toxicity appears when the effects from exposure are compared to a standard of expectation for the health, either physio-biological, psychological, or morality of the given entity. If that comparison is found wanting, less than desired, or otherwise unacceptable, the idea, word, or life style is present at a “toxic” level. The toxicity of something is then first revealed in some impact, effect, manifestation, or behavior of a property that is initially seen as not acceptable….Read entire article: crisismagazine.com/2019/how-the-sexual-toxicity-of-the-1960s-harms-the-church