Catholics and all concerned Californians are urged to attend a public hearing of the State Assembly Public Safety Committee at which Senate Bill 360 is on the agenda for discussion. To sign up for a bus ride to Sacramento visit here.
Archbishop Cordileone asks all the faithful of the Archdiocese to contact their state Assembly representative to voice their opposition to SB360, proposed legislation that threatens the confidentiality of the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation. The state Senate has already approved the bill, which would take away from priests and from everyone who works with priests in parishes and Church agencies across the state the full right to confess their sins with the assurance of confidentiality.
The Archdiocesan Office of Human Life and Dignity has organized a letter-writing campaign on the weekend of June 22-23. Letters will be available for signature at Masses throughout the Archdiocese, to be collected later and delivered to Sacramento during Religious Freedom week. Scroll down to read Archbishop Cordileone’s letter to the people of the Archdiocese, and for more information.
Click here for a PDF in English + Click here for a PDF in Spanish