The CDC’s ‘Separate But Equal’ Agenda, by Nate Jackson

Fr. Roger Landry: Growing in Devotion to Saint Joseph
March 23, 2021
Founder’s Quote
March 23, 2021

By Nate Jackson, Patriot Post, March 22, 202

A new twist on an old and discredited practice is now effectively national policy.

If the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) had begun last year with social-distancing guidelines of three feet instead of six, schools might not have closed, which harmed children in incalculable ways. It wasn’t just kids, either. The effect was, as Mark Alexander wrote last week, “wrecking the U.S. economy and millions of American lives.”

Nevertheless, the CDC officially announced Friday its new guidance of just three feet between students. Still, adults must remain six feet apart and masks should remain mandatory. Of the six-foot diktat, Dr. Scott Gottlieb wants to know, “Where’s the science?” He answers his own question: “Nobody knows for sure.” That’s reassuring.  …

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