By Melody Lyons, Crisis Magazine, Jan. 19, 2022
Melody Lyons is a writer and health educator, pursuing the restoration of an authentic Catholic culture through home education and natural healing. She is author, most recently, of The Sunshine Principle: A Radically Simple Guide to Natural Catholic Healing (Intinction Press, 2020).
Last week, the Supreme Court of the United States upheld a clearly unconstitutional federal mandate that cedes what little influence conservatives had left in the healthcare industry to the leftist totalitarians. The ruling allows the federal government to force healthcare employees to relinquish their freedoms of conscience and bodily autonomy and submit to receiving the ”Jab-of-mystical-protection” against Fauci-19. This move, while wretched, is not inconsistent with the direction of Big Medicine during the last 50 years and therefore should not be surprising. In some ways, the catastrophic SCOTUS blunder may very well help bring into focus the urgent need to sever ourselves from the gluttonous healthcare industrial complex. …