SPIRITUAL HOLOCAUST: Wisconsin Bishop ‘Just Following Orders’, by Michael J. Matt
January 10, 2023Can SCOTUS Remove a Sitting President? by Paul Engel
January 10, 2023
Even today we see the simple and the leaders of distant nations recognizing the Saviour, and conforming their private and public lives to Him, while world leaders prefer to gather in Davos for their globalist agenda, and the prelates of the Bergoglian sect think only of hiding their scandals, propagating synodality and encouraging the most unmentionable vices.
By Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, LifeSiteNews, January 6, 2023, Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ
(LifeSiteNews) – The following is Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s Epiphany message.
Homily of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò on the Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Et adorabunt eum omnes reges terræ;
omnes gentes servient ei.
Ps 71:11
This solemn day is sanctified by three miracles: the adoration of the Magi, the changing of water into wine at the wedding at Cana, and the Baptism of Christ in the Jordan. These miraculous signs show us the divinity of Our Lord and His universal Lordship over the cosmos, over nature and over us. It is no longer only the shepherds who are called by the Angels to recognize the Verbum caro factum, but it is the whole human race, it is all creation that the voice of God himself calls to adore Him, to listen to Him, to obey Him. A Lordship that some recognize with humble Faith and that others reject out of pride.
In the Martyrology on Christmas Eve, we heard sung the announcement of the Birth of the Savior secundum carnem, placed in history with a multiplicity of precise and detailed chronological references. …