Don’t Be the Slow Gazelle, by Austin Ruse 

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Women must protect themselves and recognize that there are aggressive men out there.

By Austin Ruse, Crisis Magazine, May 12, 2023

Austin Ruse is a contributing editor to Crisis Magazine. He is president of the Center for Family and Human Rights in New York and Washington DC. He is the author of several books including, Under Siege: No Finer Time to be a Faithful Catholic (Crisis Publications). He can be reached at

Austin Ruse

A female friend of mine lives by the maxim, “Never be the slow gazelle in the herd.” This maxim reflects a few home truths. There are aggressive men out there, and even a mild-mannered guy with a few shots in his belly can get handsy and even worse. My friend also recognizes that men and women are different. Men are bigger, stronger, and faster than women. Women must protect themselves.

In the middle of the night last January 15, Louisiana State University sophomore Madison Brooks allowed herself to be the slow gazelle. …

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