By Kennedy Hall, Crisis Magazine, July 28, 2023
Kennedy Hall is the author of three books, Terror of Demons: Reclaiming Traditional Catholic Masculinity, Lockdown with the Devil, and SSPX: The Defence. He is a full-time journalist for LifeSiteNews and has a growing YouTube channel where he hosts The Kennedy Report. He is married with five children and lives in Ontario, Canada.
If we could sum up the problem with the so-called modern age, it would be that we suffer from a break with reality.
I have a confession to make. I hate the modern world.
Now, I understand this claim is a bit juvenile; and of course, if I was asked to forfeit all my modern conveniences and amenities, I would struggle greatly. But when I speak of the “modern world,” I do not refer in a general sense to this or that technological advance. In fact, during all ages of history, there have been advances at times that have greatly helped people do things that previous generations could only do with prohibitive difficulty, if at all. …