Bishop Strickland: Church Has ‘No Authority Whatsoever’ to Ordain Women to Priesthood, by Daniel Payne
September 7, 2023Ukrainian Greek Catholic Synod Tells Pope Francis He Has Made ‘Painful’ Statements, by Hannah Brockhaus
September 7, 2023
By Robert Morrison, Remnant Columnist, The Remnant, Sept. 6, 2023
Francis’s attacks on Traditional Catholics have become so commonplace that they scarcely seem newsworthy, but on his September 4, 2023 return flight from Mongolia, Francis combined his attack on Catholics with a disturbingly bizarre suggestion that the only Catholic doctrines that we can defend are those truths contained in the Catholic creeds:
“They defend a doctrine in quotation marks, which is a doctrine like distilled water, tastes like nothing and is not the true Catholic doctrine that is in the Creed. And that so many times scandalizes; how it scandalizes the idea that God became flesh, that God became Man, that Our Lady preserved her virginity. That scandalizes.” …