Window detail from All Saints Catholic Church, St. Peters, Missouri. (Nheyob/Wikipedia)
By Rob Marco, Catholic World Report, Nov. 25, 2023
Rob Marco is a married father of three. He holds a MA in Theology from Villanova University. He has appeared on EWTN’s “The Journey Home” and his writing has been featured at One Peter Five, Catholic Stand, Catholic Education Resource Center,, Beauty So Ancient, and other Catholic publications. …
Whereas loving is active, acceptance of love—allowing ourselves to be loved—is a passive act. It asks very little, and yet it demands everything—just as the Commandment calls for loving God with all our heart, soul, and mind.
My wife and I have been listening to a good primer on mental prayer. Though I have practiced mental prayer for a number of years now, it’s always good to go back for refreshers, as well as to remind ourselves of the basic essence of why we should be praying regularly in this manner: to advance in the spiritual life.
St. Alphonsus and St. Francis de Sales lay out the four steps to mental prayer (St. Teresa of Avila does so in five, rather than four steps), which includes 1) preparation; 2) meditation/considerations; 3) affections and petitions; 4) conclusion and spiritual bouquet. ….