Raucous Funeral Service at St. Patrick’s Cathedral For Trans Activist Sparks Outcry

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By Jonathan Liedl, Matt McDonald, CNA, Fe

Several mainstream media outlets have framed the event as a breakthrough occasion, and a sign of the Catholic Church shifting its teaching — or at least its tone —on sexuality and human anthropology.

A raucous funeral liturgy for a high-profile trans-activist and sex-worker advocate was held Thursday in New York City’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral, sparking an outcry on social media that the iconic church was misused to advance an ideological agenda at odds with Catholic teaching.

The Manhattan cathedral hosted the Feb. 15 funeral service for Cecilia Gentili, an activist who helped to decriminalize sex work in New York, lobbied for “gender identity” to be added as a protected class to the state’s human rights laws, and was a major fundraiser for transgender causes. …

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