CWR Staff, Catholic World Report, January 2, 2025
Controversies caught readers’ eyes this past year, especially stories about Pope Francis, the Vatican, Fiducia supplicans, liturgy, the SSPX, marriage, and Mary.
1). “What did Pope Francis say in Singapore about religions as paths to God?” (Sept 15, 2024) by Christopher R. Altieri. “The pontiff’s recent remarks to a group of young people have caused a furor and some accusations of religious indifferentism.”
2). “The Case of Bishop Stowe” (June 1, 2024) by Jayd Henricks. “The behavior of Bishop John Stowe of Lexington—behavior so gratingly at odds with the good work of his brother bishops—can only serve to embarrass the USCCB and will continue to hamper their pastoral witness if left unaddressed by the Holy See. …
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