Former Abortionist: ‘I Probably Murdered More People than Ted Bundy’

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Photo:  Dr. Kathi Aultman. (CBN)

By Michael W. Chapman, CNSNews, March 20, 2018

Michael W. ChapmanDr. Kathi Aultman, who used to perform abortions early in her career but stopped after converting to Christianity and realizing the evil parallels between abortion and the Holocaust, said that she had “probably murdered more people than Ted Bundy or any other mass murderers.”

She added that she is thankful to God for using her to “save babies now when once I used to kill them.”

During a March 19 interview with CBN News’ Charlene Aaron, the host said,  “Part of that [Christian] transformation included no longer doing abortions. Still, Aultman held onto her belief that a woman had the right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. Two years later, after reading an article comparing abortion with the Nazi Holocaust, she saw herself as a mass murderer.”

A baby killed by saline abortion.  (Priests for Life) 

“I probably murdered more people than Ted Bundy or any of the mass murderers, if you consider all the abortions that I did,” said Dr. Aultman.

Later, she said, “One of the most wonderful things for an OB-GYN is to meet a child they delivered or that child’s child. That is such a joy. But it’s bittersweet because I think about all the people I will never meet because I aborted them.”

(Priests for Life)

At the end of the interview, Dr. Aultman expressed her gratitude to God.

“I don’t know that I can put it into words,” she said.  “I’m just thankful every day that we have a Savior, that He does forgive us and that He can take what the locust has destroyed and restore it.”

“I’m so thankful that He’s using me to save babies now when once I used to kill them, and that’s very healing and restorative in itself,” she said.