By Marcellino D’Ambrosio, Ph.D., Integrated Catholic Life, Dec 4, 2021
Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio writes from Texas. For his faith resources or information on his pilgrimages to Rome and the Holy Land, visit or call 1.800.803.0118.
This post treats of the theological virtue of hope as desire and confident expectation of eternal joy. Advent is a season of joy & hope. Paul says to rejoice in hope. But what is hope, anyway? How does this theological virtue differ from faith and what does it have to do with rejoicing?
Faith, hope, and love. St. Paul, in 1 Corinthians 13:13, says these three are the bottom line. They are called the theological virtues, the qualities that make us most like God.
We hear plenty about faith and love. But when is the last time you heard a rousing homily on hope? Why is hope important? And what is it precisely?
To accomplish great things in life, you need a future goal that is big enough to keep you motivated. The promise of a diploma makes college students stay up late writing papers when they’d rather be partying. The dream of Olympic glory gets the runner up early to put in miles while others are comfortably snoozing. …