A Tale of Two Styles: Why Modesty Matters, by Anna Davis

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By Anna Davis, Crisis Magazine, Sept. 1, 2023

Anna Davis is a writer and editor for a major non-profit in New England and has spent over 10 years in Sales & Marketing. She enjoys learning about her Catholic faith, listening to podcasts, reading multiple books at a time, watching vintage and indie movies, and spending time with her family.


Modesty isn’t just about clothes, it’s about the state of our hearts, but what we wear says something about us and how we view the world.

How we show up matters—be it our attitude, our character, or yes, our outward appearance.

Whether we’re shopping for groceries, popping into the store for a last-minute gift, or making our living, what we wear says something about us and how we view the world. Modesty isn’t just about clothes, it’s about the state of our hearts. …

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