Abortion Is About Sex. Duh., by Peter Wolfgang

Vatican Backs UN Globalist Pact Timidly Objecting to Abortion and Gender Ideology, by Jules Gomes
September 27, 2024
Doctors Dispute Claim Raised at Senate Hearing That Pro-Life Laws Are Killing Women, by Peter Pinedo
September 27, 2024

By Peter Wolfgang, Catholic Culture, Sept. 26, 2024

Peter Wolfgang is president of Family Institute of Connecticut Action, a Hartford-based advocacy organization whose mission is to encourage and strengthen the family as the foundation of society.  …


Maybe it’s because I am from Connecticut. Specifically, because I am a pro-life activist from Connecticut. But nothing about the setbacks suffered by the pro-life movement in the two years since the repeal of Roe v. Wade has surprised me.

Here in deep blue pro-abortion Connecticut, we have always known what some of our pro-life brethren in other states apparently did not. Many Americans are deeply committed to having the option to kill their unborn children. Even many politicians, and rank-and-file citizens, who said they were pro-life did not really know what the phrase meant.

In a New Year’s Eve 2019 post on my personal Facebook, I wrote: “And, hoo boy, just wait until we overturn Roe v. Wade. It’s coming. Not next year but soon. You can feel it. But I think we pro-lifers will be in for a few nasty surprises once it happens.” …

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