The Anti-Catholic Path of Synodality (It’s as Bad As You’d Expect), by Eric Sammons
September 22, 2022Man Who Killed Republican Teen With His Car is Already Out on Bail, by Steven Ertelt
September 22, 2022
Archbishop Viganò said the Catholic bishops of Belgium were promoting a ‘sacrilegious rite’ after they published a document containing a ‘blessing’ for same-sex couples.
(LifeSiteNews) – With great scandal for the salvation of souls and the honor of the Church of Christ, the Bishops’ Conference of Belgium has approved and published a rite for the “blessing” of homosexual unions, brazenly contravening the immutable teaching of the Catholic Magisterium, which considers such unions “intrinsically perverse” and which, as such, not only may not bless them but rather must condemn them as contrary to the natural Moral law.
The ideological basis of this sacrilegious rite is indicated in the subtly deceptive words of Amoris Laetitia, which states that “every person, regardless of sexual orientation, ought to be respected in his or her dignity and treated with consideration.” …